Elevate the energy efficiency in your home with our cutting-edge solar rooftop systems. Designed for optimal performance, our solar panels harness the power of the sun to generate clean, renewable electricity directly from your roof. Enjoy lower electricity bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and increase your property value with a seamless solar installation tailored to your needs. Our solar rooftops are engineered for durability and efficiency, ensuring you benefit from reliable energy savings and government incentives. Make the smart choice for a sustainable future with our premium solar rooftop solutions.
EPC and MNRE Approved Solar Module with warranty for 25 years against power performance as per MNRE Norms.
One-stop solution including site survey, commissioning, and AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract)
We offer high-quality materials such as hot-dip galvanized structures, IS-approved cables, and other materials as per industrial standards.
These are installed on the roof and capture sunlight, converting it into direct current (DC) electricity.
Protects the system by controlling the electricity from the solar panels and keeping it safe.
Converts the DC electricity from the solar panels into Alternating Current (AC), which is used to power household appliances.
Protects and controls the AC electricity before it goes to your home’s circuits.
Measures how much electricity your solar panels are generating.
Sends the electricity to different rooms and appliances in your home.
A special meter that tracks both the electricity consumed from the grid and the excess solar power sent back to the grid.